

圣经 & 部


网赌最好最大平台 President Terry Allcorn Announces Appointment of Dr. 罗伯特E. Shoaff as Dean of the 基兰圣经学院 and 部

格雷森, 肯塔基州(11月28日), 2022) -经过六个月的搜索,考虑了来自全国各地的近十几名合格候选人, Dr. Terry Allcorn宣布任命罗伯特E. Shoaff, Ph值.D., as the new Dean of the 基兰圣经学院 and 部 at 网赌最好最大平台. 该任命将于2023年1月1日生效.

Dr. Shoaff brings strong academic credentials and significant professional experience to the Dean’s position. He holds bachelors and master’s degrees in Biblical Studies, 部, and Christian Leadership from 网赌最好最大平台, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Cross-Cultural Leadership from Johnson University in Knoxville, 田纳西州. 除了学术准备, 他还带来了宽广的课堂, 事工及宣教经历.

Dr. Shoaff served most recently at Lincoln Christian University as professor of Cultural Intelligence, 文化语境化, 和跨文化事工. His cross-cultural teaching experience includes five years at Sonlight 圣经 College in Port-de-Paix, 海地, and two years teaching Comparative World Religions at La Universidad de Murcia, 西班牙. 在西班牙, 他在比尔·洛夫特传教团工作了五年, 作为西班牙和北非的植堂者.

作为LEAD国际的创始人, 他继续支持全球宣教,并担任顾问和教练,领导培训门徒在跨文化背景下. Dr. Shoaff writes and develops content and video scripts for discipleship training, 并经常在教堂演讲, 在大学校园里, and at national and international conferences on missional engagement.

Dr. 肖弗在希尔斯伯勒的基督教会和基督教会担任首席牧师,也有有效的服务记录, 俄亥俄州和阿尔比恩, 伊利诺斯州, and as the Executive Director of Little Galilee Christian Camp & 伊利诺斯州克林顿的疗养中心. In this capacity he was responsible all administrative functions including operational oversight, 员工培训和问责制, 财务及筹款业务, 教会的关系, and recruiting and promotional appearances at churches and area gatherings. He was introduced to Christ while a camper at Elkhorn Valley Christian Service Camp in Ohio, 他在那里受洗. 他亲身体会到基督教营和会议对年轻人生活的积极影响.

Dr. Shoaff很高兴能加入他母校的教育部,并带领基兰圣经与事工学院履行其“入伍”的使命, 教育和装备宣教领袖,以圣经的权威和世界观为力量,推进神的目的,使他的教会受益,并动员门徒响应大使命.”

“我对主赐给基兰圣经与事工学校的新异象充满热情,” Dr. Shoaff说. “I covet your prayers and am humbled to know that you are praying for me. 我在寻求上帝的指引, listening for the Spirit’s voice and watching for His movement, 作为我和同事的伙伴, 我愿在凡事上尊耶稣的名为大. 当我们一起把他的国度带到地上,让更多人知道他的爱和救恩时,愿他现在和永远被赞美.”

The Search Committee established certain parameters for the selection process, giving close attention to the President’s preferred leadership profile. 虽然委员会对候选人的学术准备印象深刻(他们都获得了著名学府的博士学位), there were some weightier matters that were regarded as non-negotiables. The Committee was reminded of the words spoken by the Lord into the heart of the Prophet Samuel long ago, 耶和华不像人看人那样看人. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart,” (1 Samuel 16:7). 当神察看大卫的心时,他看到了什么? Courage to protect the flock against enemy threats regardless of personal harm. Faithful devotion to mission even though others regarded the responsibility to be small and unimportant. A heart for the things that matter to God, (1 Samuel 13:14). These are matters of character that can’t be read in a resumé: faithfulness, 信任, 完整性, 谦卑, 崇敬, 温柔, 恩典和宽恕是少数.

The challenge facing the Committee was to remember that the advanced degrees, 奖, 简历或简历上所列的成就与求职者内心的内容相比,显得微不足道. 领导者的心很重要. In the matter of selecting a Dean for the 基兰圣经学院 and 部, the Committee was looking for someone with a heart for the things that matter to God. 委员会在祈祷一个宣教领袖——一个上帝自己选择的人——一个向我们展示他的心的人.

Specifically, the Search Committee was looking for evidence of,

  1. Faithfulness to the inspired Word of God and a 爱 for preaching and teaching the 圣经 clearly and accurately.
  2. A proven heart for local church ministry and evangelism, including disciple-making and church planting in intercultural contexts.
  3. A strong commitment to educating ministers with a deep commitment to Scripture, 个人纯洁, 服务, 以及教会的宣教领导, 都在美国.S. and throughout the world, and by every possible means of educational access.
  4. A visionary leader that can inspire excellence in scholarship, 课堂教学技巧, and mentoring throughout a student’s educational journey and beyond.
  5. An active recruiter that is excited about collaborating with other deans, 工作人员, faculty and coaches to identify capable students already on campus that may, 与鼓励, 将他们的恩赐导向事工.
  6. A voice of advocacy in support of Christ’s prayer for the unity of believers (John 17:20-26).Dr. 基斯P. Keeran, Chancellor of the University and Interim Dean of the School of 圣经 and 部, 提醒委员会,, “在一些圈子里,这已经成为有争议的话题, 至于多少钱, 如果有什么区别的话, 21世纪的教会需要了解19世纪和20世纪的合一运动,以恢复教会在生活和实践中的古老模式. Most church leaders today approach the Restoration Movement only passively. They incorporate some of the underlying principles of the Movement into their personal theological perspective, 但却没有触及早期改革家摆脱宗派信条主义,接受《网赌最好最大平台》作为他们信仰和实践的准则的斗争. 斗争是故事中最重要的部分, and the lessons the story teaches must not be forgotten. 原始模式的扭曲在从古至今的教会历史中随处可见. 教会在一世纪并非没有这样的扭曲,它必须在每一代都保持警惕和忠诚,如果它要与基督祈祷的统一保持一致. 和我的, 还有什么比邀请学生与改革家同行,分享他们重新发现和恢复圣经真理的个人奋斗更好的机会来教导他们批判性思维的技能呢.”Dr. Keeran说, “The Search Committee committed itself to finding a Dean that is a strong advocate for the hermenutics that shaped the Restoration Movement; a Dean that will not neglect the historical value of the reformers’ struggle as a required component of the curricular experience in ministerial education. 我们相信我们已经找到了这样一位倡导者. 罗伯特E. Shoaff.”
  7. 在认证倡导的领导者. 在奥尔康校长的领导下,南方学院和学校委员会再次确认了该大学的机构认证. 现在,在Dr。. Shoaff作为院长的领导能力, 基兰圣经与事工学院将寻求圣经高等教育协会对其课程的认证. 这样做的动机是为了获得特定项目的教育和培训资源,并有利于评估教学方法和学生表现的持续改进. 项目认证还将为教师提供一个平台,让他们与其他教师一起参与教育领导工作,并从面对面和在线教育的最佳实践中受益.

Dr. Shoaff为总统对委员会负责的每一个关键领导领域提供了确凿的证据.

Dr. Keeran, pleased with the comprehensive nature of the search process, 他说:“委员会的工作特别得到了卡尔文·林德尔细心专业的领导, Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University and Chair of the Search Committee. 他虔诚地关注候选人的背景调查以及检查成绩单和推荐信的繁琐工作,其彻底性是无与伦比的.”

委员会(其中也包括博士). Dennis Durst, professor of New Testament and Apologetics; Dr. 吉姆Girdwood, a former Dean of the School and retired professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages; Donald Damron, Vice President of 学生生活 and senior minister with the Oak Grove Church of Christ in Grayson; and the Interim Dean, Dr. 基斯P. Keeran), was enthusiastic in its recommendation to President Allcorn that Dr. 罗伯特E. Shoaff be appointed Dean of the 基兰圣经学院 and 部. After careful consideration and his own personal deep-dive into the candidate’s qualifications, Dr. 奥尔康同意委员会的建议.

Dr. 格德伍德在委员会审议结束时发表了评论,这将被铭记为对搜索过程和候选人的适当确认. “我们的心不是高兴得直跳吗?. 肖弗回答了每一个采访问题?! We have been allowed a glimpse into his heart and a reason to be thankful!”

请为“罗布”和他的妻子辛迪祈祷,因为他们准备从布卢明顿过渡到校园, 伊利诺斯州,当他们在格雷森建立一个新家时,尽管这真的像回到家,回到一切开始的地方.


“谢谢你,博士。. 砖头倒了这么多时间, 爱, 在我的教育中付出努力,确保我成为一名护士,为基督的门徒做好准备. I will forever be grateful to you and the 扬西护理学院.”


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