


斯蒂芬妮Adkins (’21) began working as a nurse practitioner at King’s Daughters Medical Center on the
inpatient cardiology team in 1月uary.

奥斯汀弓箭 (’20) began as Program/事件 Coordinator at Howell’s Mill Christian Assembly in Ona, West Virginia.

詹姆斯·巴雷特 (’03) has launched a solo music ministry after 13 years with Soul’d Out Quartet. Dusty is based out of Greenfield, 俄亥俄州.

托德·巴雷特 (’99) of Barrett Renovation Bathroom Remodeler won the Lexington Best of 2022 award. This is his fifth consecutive year receiving this award.

安迪·康克林 (‘15) became the new Discipleship Pastor at Rochester Christian Church in Rochester, 2021年7月伊利诺斯州.

信仰康涅狄格州 (’18) former 网赌最好最大平台 Lady Knight basketball player was named Coach of the Year in 肯塔基州’s 16th Region.

特洛伊克莱兰德 (’00) has moved from Michiana Christian Camp to the position of Project Manager at Country Lake Christian Retreat in Underwood, 印第安纳州. 他的妻子, Melissa (Gilbert) Cleland (’00) has assumed a role with Guest Services at Country Lake as well.

泰勒·迪克森 (’17) has recently been appointed as the Head Volleyball Coach at West 卡特 (KY) High School.

布兰登·杜兰 (’05) began a new position with Habitat for Humanity in East Central 俄亥俄州 in 1月uary.

Faron富兰克林 (‘89) has concluded a ministry with the Restoration Church of Christ, 匹兹堡, Pennsylvania after 16 years and has begun a new ministry at Williamstown Christian Church in Williamstown, 肯塔基州.

Briquelle霍普 (‘17) transitioned from Norton Women’s & 路易斯维尔儿童医院, 肯塔基州 to become a traveling nurse, 从夏安开始, 怀俄明.

查尔斯·琼斯警官 (‘14) is leaving 肯塔基州 State Police Post 14 where he has served Boyd, 卡特, Greenup, 和劳伦斯县. He will be serving on Executive 安全, which includes security for 肯塔基州 politicians including the governor, governor executive and their families.

麦肯齐·科克 (’18), former 网赌最好最大平台 softball player, has been named a 2022 inductee into the KHSAA Hall of Fame.

杰西·马丁 (’15 & 18岁的时候,我已经开始了我的职业生涯. Minister at Artemus Christian Church in Artemus, 肯塔基州.

马克Messmore (’05) has authored a new book titled Simple Preaching Prep. His book guides readers through one pastoral task: the important task of preaching. Mark stated that “he wrote this book to be easily readable and accessible to anyone, offering them a model to customize to their personality.”

保罗·帕特·穆尼 (’69 & ’84) has retired from the active pulpit ministry after nearly 53 years. He has moved to Knoxville, Tennessee and will occupy his time with revivals and supply preaching.

厄尼·佩里 (’79 & ’85) has begun a new position at Tates Creek Christian Church in Lexington, 肯塔基州担任交通部长.

尼娜 (1993)和蒂姆 佩里 are both now retired and living in Oolitic, 印第安纳州 and welcomed their first grandchild, a boy named Trace Owen 佩里 on 五月 14, 2021.

帕姆(华尔兹)佩里 (’79) retired as of December 31, 2021 from the University of 肯塔基州 Clinic.

里克•米勒 (‘77 & ‘85) recently retired as Senior Minister of Eastview Christian Church in Martinsville, 印第安纳州. He continues his ministry with Stability First, a non-profit to help alleviate the pressures of poverty in the Martinsville community.

特拉维斯Roehm (’04) transitioned from a 13 year ministry in Dubuque, Iowa and began a second ministry with Adventure Christian Community in Davenport, 爱荷华州1月1日. 他将担任执行牧师.

科迪Sabol (’17) was featured on MNF on 1月uary 3, 2021 as he speed painted a portrait of retiring Steelers quarterback, 本Roethlisberger.

丽莎(戴维斯)斯蒂芬森 (‘85) was an official at the 肯塔基州 Volleyball State Tournament (November, 2021). Lisa played volleyball (‘81-‘82) and basketball (‘81-‘85) for the Lady Knights.

约翰·“凯西”·托马斯 (’12) has accepted the position of sports director at the Coffman YMCA in Springboro, 俄亥俄州.

基斯明智 (’72) celebrated the 50 year anniversary of his ordination into Christian ministry. Loran Dace gave the ordination charge in the LaBelle View Church of Christ, 斯托本维尔, 12月26日,俄亥俄州, 1971. 他的妻子是 沙龙(Kourim) (‘71) 明智的.

约翰•赖特 (’78) has celebrated 50 years in the pulpit ministry. 他和他的妻子, 玛莎, celebrated 25 years of ministry at the Bishopville Church of Christ at Glouster, 俄亥俄州.

示罗的年轻 (‘12) was named the Director of Compliance and 网赌最好最大平台/Senior Woman Administrator for 肯塔基州 Wesleyan College 体育运动 in December 2021.

  1. 丹尼尔和 丽贝卡(Mullen) (’19) 哈特利 2021年9月18日
  2. 迦勒 (15)和Kelsi 妍吉 2021年10月30日
  3. 乔纳森 (22)和 Kennedi (Meredith) (’21) 芒森 2021年11月20日

林恩年代. Aleshire (’89), Teacher Education, 10/17/2021
Maribeth考克斯 (Attd ' 18- ' 19), 11/4/2021
约翰·奥利弗·刘易斯 《网赌最好最大平台》,2021年11月23日
霍华德·威廉·托缪尔 《网赌最好最大平台》,2021年11月27日
佩吉·鲍尔 《网赌最好最大平台》,2021年8月12日
文森特·曼斯菲尔德 (86),通讯,12/9/2021
安吉拉·卢布 《网赌最好最大平台》,2021年12月27日
罗伯特·霍尔登 (78),教育部,2022年10月1日
唐纳德F. 鲍斯威尔 (1980),《网赌最好最大平台》,2022年1月25日
奥斯卡·本尼·鲍姆加德纳 (’61), 1/26/2022
E. 保罗•佩里 (55),《网赌最好最大平台》,2/5/22
泰勒 (1982),圣经,2022年1月30日
西庇太Togarepi (1988),《网赌最好最大平台》,2022年2月9日
琳达(执事)戴利 (81),《网赌最好最大平台》,2022年2月15日
布鲁斯·海勒 (1992),事工硕士,1922年2月20日
理查德·皮特森 (73),《网赌最好最大平台》,2022年1月25日

课堂笔记 will be updated in the Spring, Summer, and Fall in conjunction with the publishing of 的声音.


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